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LoDesignz mentored by Big Light of Mine

The Next Generation Workforce

I’m so excited that a very talented young lady by the name of Lo Williams is now embarking upon her self employed journey as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator at the tender age of 17 years old.

She has received mentorship through Big Light of Mine since she was 13, and has accomplished many outstanding achievements in a short time. She has been commissioned on many occasions to support established businesses with their creative media and is a very confident and experienced professional for her years.

We caught up with Lo on a short interview to find out more about her professional journey and what the future holds.

Lianne: Hi Lo, what projects have you been working on since finishing college?

Lo: Since finishing college I have worked on building my business and making future plans with my manager (my mom). I have also been designing commissions which include logo designs for different companies.

Lianne: What is your biggest achievement?

Lo: My biggest achievement was becoming an award winner in 2019 for Creative Ability in Birmingham by The Roy Anthony Reid Foundation.

Lianne: What inspired you to get into business?

Lo: When I started my business I was 13 and I had a passion to draw. One day I was painting and my mom had the idea to start painting on bags. This is where my first venture ‘LoBagz’ was birthed. Since then I have evolved into creating hoodies, t-shirts, stationary and now I am working more on graphic design projects.

Lianne: How has being an ambassador of Big Light of Mine helped you?

Lo: Big Light of Mine has awakened potential in me that I didn’t know I had, including unlocking a level of creativity that has given me confidence in myself. When I have ideas, I am motivated to put them into action.

Lianne: What has been your most memorable Big Light of Mine workshop?

Lo:  What type of Learner are you! It made me consider all of the ways that I learn and helped me to realise how I take in information. 

Lianne: What is your goal for your business?

Lo: To think big and to impact many people using the medium of Art; making the world more creative.

Lianne: What platforms can people use if they want to contact you about work?

Lo: Search LoDesignz. Here are my links Instagram, Email, Behance, Linkedin, Fiverr

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